Whenua and whānau

Dairy farming with nature in the Manawatū

An organic farm milking approx. 100 cows per day, producing milk and yoghurt that is Te Hua Parakore certified. Products are sold throughout Aotearoa and Australia supermarkets.

  • Two cows
  • A research project - Storying Kaitiaktanga - funded by Our land and water created a series of case studies.

    This case study highlights how dairy farming in Aotearoa can:

    • develop and deliver quality products to markets
    • gain a good gross return
    • operated at a scale that is sustainable
    • use farming methods that enriches the whenua.

    Learn more about dairy farming with nature from the Manawatū.

    Read more about the research project - Storying Kaitiakitanga.


    All case studies with Māori entities have the following copyright applied CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. We ask that anyone wanting to use information from published case studies engage directly with the relevant researcher and case study entity to discuss terms of use.