Helpful for searching whenua Māori by block details or land trusts, not general title land.
Searching for your whenua
Start typing the name of the Māori land block, the block number, or the name of the land trust in the search box.
A list of results will appear below the search box and you can scroll to find your land block. Select your whenua.
If you are unsure of the details of your whenua Māori, visit Pātaka Whenua.
Checking information about your whenua
A map of the chosen block will appear, along with 3 icons. It is highlighted in brown to show it is a Māori land block. General title land blocks are shown in a teal colour.
You can check if this is the correct block by selecting the “information button” to see more information about the land block, or by zooming out on the map and clicking and dragging to look at the surrounding whenua.
Selecting and confirming your whenua
When you have selected your whenua, select the “tick button” to confirm your selection.
To unselect a land block, you can select the “bin button”.
Once you have selected your whenua, select the “Review your selections” button at the bottom of the screen, and then select “Confirm and proceed” to carry on through the tool.
Icon buttons
Map buttons
Map legend
Useful for when you know the rohe of your whenua.
Searching for your whenua
A map of Aotearoa will appear. Move your cursor over the map, and then click and drag to move to the rohe your block is located in.
Finding and selecting your whenua
To select a land block, you can either zoom in enough to see a plus button, or if it covers a large area, just until you see the shape of the block you’re interested in.
You can zoom in by scrolling with your mouse or by using the button to the right on the map legend.
Confirming your whenua is selected
Select your whenua by clicking on the “plus button”. You will see 3 icons.
Select the “tick button” to confirm your selection.
To unselect a land block, you can select the “bin button”.
Once you have selected your whenua, select the “Review your selections” button at the bottom of the screen, and then select “Confirm and proceed” to carry on through the tool.
Icon buttons
Map buttons
Helpful for selecting custom areas that may cover multiple land blocks.
Searching for your whenua
A map of Aotearoa will appear. Move your cursor over the map, and then click and drag to move to the rohe your block is located in.
Zoom in so you can see your whenua on the map. You will see small white plus symbol + in the middle of your screen. This helps you draw the shape of your land block by adding points on the map. When the points are connected, they will show a custom area that represents your whenua.
Drawing the shape of your whenua
Select the “Add Point” button. A dot will appear on the map. Click and drag the map to mark the next boundary of your block.
Select the “Add Point” button to add another dot to the map. You will see a dotted line appear, connecting the two points.
Confirming your whenua is selected
Once you have added your points to the map, the dots are connected and the area is coloured in. If you want to expand the area, you can add another point.
To delete the last point that you created, select the “Remove Point” button.
Select the “Next” button at the bottom of the screen to carry on through the tool.
Icon buttons
Map buttons
Drawing buttons
If you have multiple land blocks that you are interested in, you can select these after you have chosen the first land block. You can do this using any of the 3 options to find your whenua.
After you have selected a land block and confirmed your selection with the “tick button”, select the “plus button” on another land block, and then the “tick button” again to add it to your selections.
To unselect a land block, select the “Review your selections” button at the bottom of the screen, and then select the “bin button” next to the land block.
Icon buttons
In built up areas (e.g. more urban) where there are smaller parcels of land, you may see numbers instead of “plus buttons”.
The number represents the number of land parcels in that area. If you continue to zoom in on the map, the “plus buttons” will appear as you get closer to the whenua.
Map buttons
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