Māori land owner journey
The journey of a Māori land owner can be complicated. There are lots of tools and resources online, however finding the right resources for where you are at can be a challenge. To help, we have created a Māori land owner journey map.
Where in the journey is Matarau most useful?
Matarau is likely to be more useful at specific parts of the journey including:
- Reconnecting and understanding your whenua better
- Whānau wanting to more actively manage their own whenua
- Whānau or entities wanting to change land uses.
We hope this journey map will help whānau understand where they are in the journey, where to go for support, and what other parts of the journey might look like.
Reconnecting and understanding your whenua better
Once you know how to locate your whenua, you can use Matarau to access publicly available information for the area where your whenua is located including topics like: land cover, geology, climate, current and historic wetlands etc.
Whānau wanting to more actively manage their own whenua
Whānau who are connected to their whenua often would like the opportunity to more actively manage their whenua, particularly if it has been leased for a long time. In this case, Matarau can help identify some potential land use options that may be suitable. From there, the whānau then has more information to engage experts in feasibility studies.
Whānau or entities wanting to change land uses
Whānau or entities who are experienced in agribusiness sometimes want to explore other land use options for diversification. While this is a big process, Matarau may be able to help with providing more detailed information on some options. Furthermore, there are a range of industry specific research reports and datasets that can be accessed in the Whenua Considerations area that experienced land managers may find useful.
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