Whenua and whānau

Motorways, wetlands and kai: Caleb Royal and Kaitiakitanga

Local hapū and marae are being supported by nurturing the transfer of knowledge of mahi kai with whānau.

  • A research project - Storying Kaitiakitanga - funded by Our Land and Water created a series of case studies.

    This case study highlights an opportunity that arose through the building of a new expressway in Ōtaki. It saw the return of whenua back to its original state of a wetland, providing an opportunity for locals to mahi kai.

    Read more about this kaupapa here.

    Read more about the research project - Storying Kaitiakitanga.


    All case studies with Māori entities have the following copyright applied CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. We ask that anyone wanting to use information from published case studies engage directly with the relevant researcher and case study entity to discuss terms of use.