Land use capability
Land cover
Forest classification
Rock type
Highly erodible land
Potential vegetation
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Land Block Details

Land use capability
Land cover
Forests planted pre 1990 and post 1989
Soil drainage
Rock type
Highly erodible land
Potential vegetation
  • Māori / General Land titles

    There are different land titles in Aotearoa - Māori and General land titles. Understanding if your whenua is Māori or General land and the legislation associated with your whenua is important.

    Explore more about the legislation associated with whenua Māori. 

    Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993

Māori Land Court District

Māori land Court is a specialist court, supporting the retention of whenua Māori in the hands of Māori. Aotearoa is broken into different regions to maintain registries. If your whenua is Māori Title, it will be important to know which region your whenua is in so that you can link into your relevant district office.

Please note that the Māori Land Court district applies to Māori Land.  If your whenua is General Land, the Māori Land Court does not have any jurisdiction over your whenua.

Māori Land Court District
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Data not available outside of tool.
Regional and District Council boundaries

Learn where your whenua sits within Regional Council boundaries across Aotearoa.  

Each Regional Council has its own objectives, policies and priorities. By understanding what Regional Council your whenua is in, you can understand the specific factors that may apply to your whenua.

Regional Council
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Data not available outside of tool.
Local Council
Data not available outside of tool.
Data not available outside of tool.
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