Land cover database reclassification
Class Code Class - LCDB 4 Reclassification LCDB Definition 0 Not land Artificial surfaces If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as not land or a built up area or a park, or a road or a open-cast mine or a landfill then it has been re-classed as "Artificial surfaces". 1 Built-up Area (settlement) Artificial surfaces If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as not land or a built up area or a park, or a road or a open-cast mine or a landfill then it has been re-classed as "Artificial surfaces". 2 Urban Parkland/Open Space Artificial surfaces If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as not land or a built up area or a park, or a road or a open-cast mine or a landfill then it has been re-classed as "Artificial surfaces". 5 Transport Infrastructure Artificial surfaces If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as not land or a built up area or a park, or a road or a open-cast mine or a landfill then it has been re-classed as "Artificial surfaces". 6 Surface Mines or Dump Artificial surfaces If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as not land or a built up area or a park, or a road or a open-cast mine or a landfill then it has been re-classed as "Artificial surfaces". 10 Sand or Gravel Bare ground If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as sand or gravel, landslide, permanent snow and ice, gravel or rock or alpine grass/herbfield then it has been re-classed as "Bare ground". 12 Landslide Bare ground If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as sand or gravel, landslide, permanent snow and ice, gravel or rock or alpine grass/herbfield then it has been re-classed as "Bare ground". 14 Permanent Snow and Ice Bare ground If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as sand or gravel, landslide, permanent snow and ice, gravel or rock or alpine grass/herbfield then it has been re-classed as "Bare ground". 16 Gravel or Rock Bare ground If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as sand or gravel, landslide, permanent snow and ice, gravel or rock or alpine grass/herbfield then it has been re-classed as "Bare ground". 15 Alpine Grass/Herbfield Bare ground If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as sand or gravel, landslide, permanent snow and ice, gravel or rock or alpine grass/herbfield then it has been re-classed as "Bare ground". 20 Lake or Pond Water If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as a lake or pond, river or estuarine, open water then it has been re-classed as "Water". 21 River Water If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as a lake or pond, river or estuarine, open water then it has been re-classed as "Water". 22 Estuarine Open Water Water If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as a lake or pond, river or estuarine, open water then it has been re-classed as "Water". 30 Short-rotation Cropland Short-rotation crops Your whenua has been classified as "Short-rotation crops". 33 Orchard Vineyard & Other Perennial Crops Crops, vineyards or orchards Your whenua has been classified as "crops, vineyards or orchards". 40 High Producing Exotic Grassland Grass If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as high producing exotic grassland, low producing grassland or depleted grassland then it has been re-classed as "Grass". 41 Low Producing Grassland Grass If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as high producing exotic grassland, low producing grassland or depleted grassland then it has been re-classed as "Grass". 44 Depleted Grassland Grass If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as high producing exotic grassland, low producing grassland or depleted grassland then it has been re-classed as "Grass". 43 Tall Tussock Grassland Tussock Your whenua has been classified as "Tussock". 45 Wetlands Wetlands - freshwater If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as wetlands, flaxland, peat then it has been re-classed as "Wetlands - freshwater". 47 Flaxland Wetlands - freshwater If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as wetlands, flaxland, peat then it has been re-classed as "Wetlands - freshwater". 80 Peat Wetlands - freshwater If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as wetlands, flaxland, peat then it has been re-classed as "Wetlands - freshwater". 70 Mangrove Wetlands - saltwater Your whenua has been classified as "Wetlands - saltwater". 81 Dune shrubland Shrublands on sand dunes Your whenua has been classified as "Shrublands on sand dunes". 51 Gorse and/or Broom Gorse or broom Your whenua has been classified as "Gorse or broom". 52 Manuka and/or Kanuka Manuka or Kanuka Your whenua has been classified as "Manuka or Kanuka". 50 Fernland Scrub If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as Fernland, Matagouri or grey scrub, mixed exotic shrubland then it has been re-classed as "Scrub". 58 Matagouri or Grey Scrub Scrub If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as Fernland, Matagouri or grey scrub, mixed exotic shrubland then it has been re-classed as "Scrub". 56 Mixed Exotic Shrubland Scrub If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as Fernland, Matagouri or grey scrub, mixed exotic shrubland then it has been re-classed as "Scrub". 55 Sub Alpine Shrubland Scrub Your whenua has been classified as "Scrub". 64 Forest - Harvested Exotic forest If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as forest - harvested or exotic forest then it has been re-classed as "Exotic forest". 71 Exotic Forest Exotic forest If your whenua was classified in the Land Cover Database as forest - harvested or exotic forest then it has been re-classed as "Exotic forest". 69 Native forest Native forest Your whenua has been classified as "Native Forest". 68 Willows or poplars Willows and poplars Your whenua has been classified as "Willows and poplars".
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