A hand holding flax being weaved with dirty hands
Weaving plants
  • Harakeke (New Zealand flax) is the most widely used native plant in both traditional and contemporary weaving, but several other species are also used for their distinctive qualities.

    The dataset - What is it?

    Data is provided on Manaaki Whenua/ landcare Research website. The weaving plants covered are Harakeke, Wharariki, Houhere, Karetu, Kiekie, Kuta, Kapungawha, Neinei, Inanga, Pingae, Raupo, Ti Kouka, Tikumu, Toetoe, and Toi. For each weaving plants there is a fact sheet covering distribution, foliage, lifecycle and propagation, threats and harvesting.

    Why it's important

    Weaving plants are of high cultural significance. This resource can help with the continued practice and maintenance of the weaving plant resources.

    • How to use this information safely
      • Fitness for purpose / limitations

        This table indicates whether the dataset is suitable for different types of questions at different scales.

        Note: Users should carefully consider their purpose as this dataset may not be suitable.







        Inform conservation/planting of indigenous fibre plants for traditional or new uses

        Factsheets on indigenous fibre plants of traditional/potential value

        Helps inform on indigenous fibre plants of traditional/potential value

        Info assists hapū in scoping conservation/planting options for indigenous fibre plants


        Inform conservation/planting of indigenous fibre plants for traditional or new uses

        Factsheets on indigenous fibre plants of traditional/potential value

        Helps inform on indigenous fibre plants of traditional/potential value

        Info assists hapū in scoping conservation/planting options for indigenous fibre plants


        Inform conservation/planting of indigenous fibre plants for traditional or new uses

        Factsheets on indigenous fibre plants of traditional/potential value

        Helps inform on indigenous fibre plants of traditional/potential value

        Info assists hapū in scoping conservation/planting options for indigenous fibre plants


        Inform conservation/planting of indigenous fibre plants for traditional or new uses

        Factsheets on indigenous fibre plants of traditional/potential value

        Better understanding of traditional/potential values of indigenous fibre plants

        Scope priority areas for protection or planting of valued indigenous fibre plants

        How to interpret this table

  • Please note:

    While aimed at learners of the weaving art, the information can also provide information on indigenous fibre plants of historical and/or potential value and may assist in informing conversations around conservation and planting of traditional fibre plants.

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