Whenua requirements
Glossary and data sources
  • This factsheet describes the key things you'll need to think about if you're considering growing peas on your whenua. It includes:

    • whenua requirements, like drainage, slope, fertility
    • climate requirements, like temperature and rainfall
    • management requirements, like when to plant and harvest, and how to treat pests
    • economic information, like operational costs, workers required, potential profit
    • compliance information, like legislation and levies to be paid.

    You can use this information to help inform conversations with whānau or consultants. However, you will still need to do further due-dilgence from a qualified advisor before making land use decisions. They can help you understand:

    • what works best given the natural characteristics of your whenua, along with your local climate
    • how to work sustainably with your whenua, and
    • what to do next.
  • About this factsheet

    The information in this factsheet is based on research conducted by the National Science Challenge, Our Land & Water funded programme Whitiwhiti Ora in 2022 and 2023, and includes land data from a range of sources. The economic data is based on data from a case study in Canterbury and is current to June 2023. If your whenua is in a different part of the country, your numbers might vary.

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